Undergraduate Honors Thesis Projects
Date of Award
Spring 2020
Document Type
Honors Paper
Degree Name
Environmental Science-BS
Biology & Earth Science
Dr. Kevin Svitana
First Committee Member
Dr. Kevin Svitana
Second Committee Member
Dr. Jeffery Lehman
Third Committee Member
Dr. Halard Lescinsky
Glyphosate, Water Sampling, Herbicides, ELISA Kit, Land Use
Subject Categories
Agriculture | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Hydrology | Sustainability
Glyphosate is widely used in the United States and has recently been described as both mobile and persistent in soils and bodies of water. There is little research however, on the variability of glyphosate concentration in runoff based on different land use types. For this study an evaluation of samples from different land uses are used to assess glyphosate concentrations in first order streams during a runoff event. The intent was to compare three sites with a. known commercial applications, b. known lack of applications (organic), and c. assumed limited application of glyphosate. There was no significant difference in glyphosate concentration in first order streams between these locations. There was a small positive correlation between stream depth and glyphosate concentration at the c. location. There were more dissolved solids at the b. location when compared to the other two locations. Collectively the data suggests there is no statistically significant variability in glyphosate concentrations at these three sampling locations. While detected concentrations are low, these findings indicate a potential trend of overall glyphosate persistence in the environment and the persistence of glyphosate in runoff into bodies of water.
Recommended Citation
Platz, Julie, "Presence of Glyphosate in First Order Streams Associated with Rainfall Events" (2020). Undergraduate Honors Thesis Projects. 99.
Included in
Agriculture Commons, Environmental Health and Protection Commons, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Hydrology Commons, Sustainability Commons