The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera
Date Range
Materials/Description of item
A copy of a Notice to Next of Kin for Charles M. Rogers, commanding him to notify Alice Blanche Cornell, Abbie G. Cornell, Honori Cornell, Otto B. Cornell, Frank H. Cornell, and Paris R. Cornell that the Last Will and Testament of John B. Cornell will be produced in Probate Court for hearing on December 23, 1885.
Cornell Collection, Cornell Family, Inheritance
Cultural History | History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Rogers, Charles M.; Cornell, John B.; and Franklin County Probate Court, "Next of Kin Notice" (1885). The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera. 387.
Notes on the item
The Cornell Collection contains 11 copies of this document, all with the same information; only 1 was scanned and uploaded.