The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera
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A handwritten copy of a deed from Thomas Belden and his wife Margaret by their attorney Hector T. Phelps to John Bishop recorded in Book No.4 -248, dated April 16 1823. in this document the Blenden's agent and attorney Hector Phelps deeds land in Ohio, specifically "land estimated to contain ninety-four acres and fifty rods," to John Bishop of Franklin County for the sum of eighty-two dollars.
Cornell Family, Cornell Farm, Land Acquisition
Cultural History | History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Belden, Thomas; Bishop, John; and Franklin County Recorder, "1823 Deed from Thomas Belden to John Bishop" (1823). The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera. 384.