The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera
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Three tax receipts for money paid by Abbie G. Cornell to Franklin County for the December 20, 1934 assessment on properties in Blendon and Westerville. All three forms have an official stamp from the office of Henry Frank, County Treasurer, confirming payment on April 6, 1935. Abbie G. Cornell et al. paid $23.08 for 20.281 A. on State St. in Westerville Corp. Blendon, $23.53 for 98.5 Acres on Spring Road in Blendon, and $51.52 for 1.964 A at 281 S. State St. in Westerville Corp. Blendon.
Cornell Collection, Financial Records
Cultural History | History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Cornell, Abbie Geneva and Frank, Henry, "County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell Et Al., December 20, 1934" (1934). The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera. 361.