The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera
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Materials/Description of item
Handwritten note reading "I hereby agree with George M Cheever to pay to the heir of Polly Hatch Freuty[sic] five dollars on demand. March 7 1868. J. B. Cornell Seen by Minty [sic] cqc [sic]"
The back reads "Received of J. B. Cornell twenty five dollars in full of the within claim Sept 1st 1870 G. W. Cheever by John Wagner"
Otterbein History, Cornell Collection, Lucinda Cornell, Documents
Cultural History | History | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
Cornell, John B., "Payment Note, John B. Cornell, March 7, 1868" (1868). The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera. 119.