Date of Award


Document Type

Distinction Project

Subject Categories

Higher Education


The initial goal of the project was to help the Westerville Naturals baseball team move gravel at one of the team’s practice fields so an equipment storage container could be stationed. Project plans changed when we found out a truck was going to move the gravel and put it in place. Instead, we decided to assist the team with painting the storage container. We were in constant communication with the team contacts about a project date, time, and materials needed so that the new project could be successfully executed. Although our project plans changed, we ended up with great results. We met our new project goal and successfully helped the team paint the storage container. We learned a lot through the process, especially in regards to communication. We learned that communication between numerous parties is not always easy and must be concise to avoid confusion. We also learned that we have to be flexible and adapt to changes that happen at a moment’s notice. We have left a legacy by starting a relationship between Otterbein and the Westerville Naturals. Hopefully, we have set a level at which future connections between the two will only improve. Overall, the project was completed to its fullest extent. We only suggest that in the future only one group should work with an organization. Having two groups communicate with the same contact caused some initial confusion.
