John McGreevey, Christopher Sergel, Noel Coward
Performance Dates
December 10, 1958
Creative Team
Directors: Lorraine Bliss, Mary Ann Anderson, Jack Hinton
Assistant Director: Ellen Kemp, Marianne Fry, Nancy Lansdowne
"The purpose of the Annual Freshman One-Acts is fourfold: first, these plays offer advanced members of Cap and Dagger an opportunity to gain valuable directing experience; secondly, the plays offer valuable acting experience and training to those Freshmen who are interested in dramatics; thirdly tonight's plays are the Cap and Dagger Dramatic Club annual Christmas gift to the students and faculty of Otterbein College, and the the village of Westerville; and lastly, to provide a greater variety of dramatic entertainment for our audience".
Acting | Dance | Performance Studies | Theatre and Performance Studies | Theatre History
College Theater, Otterbein University Theatre, Musical Theatre, Drama
Recommended Citation
Otterbein University Theatre and Dance Department, "One Acts" (1958). 1958-1959 Season. 2.