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Physics Letters B




SU(N) Gauge Theory, Chiral Fermions, Chiral Light-Front Theory


We consider SU(N) gauge theory in 1+1 dimensions coupled to chiral fermions in the adjoint representation of the gauge group. With all fields in the adjoint representation the gauge group is actually , which possesses nontrivial topology. In particular, there are N distinct topological sectors and the physical vacuum state has a structure analogous to a θ vacuum. We show how this feature is realized in light-front quantization for the case N = 2, using discretization as an infrared regulator. In the discretized form of the theory the nontrivial vacuum structure is associated with the zero momentum mode of the gauge field A+. We find exact expressions for the degenerate vacuum states and the analog of the θ vacuum. The model also possesses a condensate which we calculate. We discuss the difference between this chiral light-front theory and the theories that have previously been considered in the equal-time approach.

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Original Citation

Pinsky, S.S. & Robertson, D.G. (1996). Light front QCD in (1+1)-dimensions coupled to chiral adjoint fermions. Physics Letters B, 379(1-4), 169-178. DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(96)00252-3




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